Yesterday, we attended Howloween Beaglefest, an annual event put on by the volunteers of the Seattle Beagle Rescue. The event raised almost $550 to go to helping homeless Beagles in the Northwest be placed in loving forever homes.
Loren Johnson with Top Dog Pet Photography, a professional pet photographer, was on site taking Holiday photos of people and/or their hounds, so we dressed ourselves up in our Christmas finery and brought all six canines along for the event. It really is a miracle when you can suck it all up into a tight space and look (more or less directly) at the camera, sit or stand pretty for precisely 1/1000th of a second -- no licking, coughing, hacking, giving dirty looks at your neighbor because they shouldn't be that close, and why is their nose THERE?? And, what is it DOING??? Oh, and that was just the humans. Here's our photo:
Beagles are very different creatures from sighthounds. They can be incredibly LOUD for one thing. Our four sighthounds did not quite know what to think of so many beagles in once place (even though they live with two of them), and they don't understand their form of play (what, no one wants to be the rabbit??). As the afternoon went by we could allow Rowan off leash with them in the enclosed area for short periods, but Catherine could only think about how much fun they would all be to chase, and therefore remained tethered to us or took a nap in the car the whole time.
To see a video on YouTube of Beaglefest, Click here.
All in all it was a great day with all of our hounds. Honcho and Jewel were great ambassadors for the Silken breed, making friends with everyone and anyone who had a treat and a pet or two or forty. The Borzois were regal and happy just hanging out with us all day, and the Beagles thoroughly enjoyed their event - sniffing and exploring the grounds, especially hanging out in close proximity to the treat tables for potential droppings. After all, one just never knows what manna may fall from heaven if you watch (sniff) out for it.