12 lessons on leadership I've learned from our pack (applies in real human life as well). Our pack leader here is Rowan, our red Borzoi. All Hail Rowan:
1. The Pack Leader does ask for attention, her mere presence commands it at all times.
2. The Pack Leader communicates nonverbally (a lip pulled back ¼” over one fang, or The Look, is all that is needed).
3. The Pack Leader is clear in her expectations (Thou Shalt Not Play in My Bedroom! Thou Shalt Not Steal My Food! Thou Shalt Not Chew on My Bone, even if I buried it 50 yards into the woods, five weeks ago!).
4. The Pack Leader will only rarely and when absolutely necessary verbalize strongly (bark, growl), and you had better pay attention!
5. The Pack Leader is always consistent in her expectations.
6. The Pack Leader commands respect with her appearance and body language.
7. The Pack Leader watches and listens at all times for the good of the pack.
8. The Pack Leader takes care of her needs first; knowing that without a leader the pack is lost (ie: “In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, securely fasten your own oxygen mask before attending to your children….”).
9. The Pack Leader will defend her pack from outsiders at all costs.
10. The Pack Leader will administer punishment only when the pack does not resolve the behavior or issue on their own.
11. The Pack Leader considers every pack member as equal, (even the lowest member of the pack, who’s special purpose sometimes is just to take out her aggressions on and prove her dominance).
12. The Pack Leader shows compassion when any pack member is not well.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Pack Leader
Posted by
Lisa T and Karen S
10:09 AM
Labels: Borzoi
Friday, August 22, 2008
Open Mouth, Insert Foot
Today was the Puget Sound Borzoi Specialty. Toby was fourth in Open in a class of 10, Catie made the cut but didn't get a placement. And, Toby's sire was Best Stud Dog in the Specialty. The weather was nice and we had a good day overall.
Last night, Rich stopped by the grocery store to pick up supplies with which to groom the borzois. As he was in the checkout line, he got a call on his cell phone. I heard that there were some pretty shocked looks from the cashier and those in line when he told the caller that he was at the store buying baby powder and cornstarch to turn Toby white again.
Posted by
Lisa T and Karen S
10:40 PM
Labels: Borzoi
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Life Moves Pretty Fast
Ferris Bueller: "Live moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it."
That quote seems to be the story of our life this summer. Last weekend our coursing club had three days of events - a lure operating seminar, Junior Courser tests, and a lure coursing trial. Across the street from the coursing field was an AKC conformation show where we entered Toby in two shows. We also had a BBQ and party at our home Saturday night, and had a house guest for 4 days.
The weather was extremely hot and humid - almost 100 degrees, and sweltering. I have the sunburn to prove it, too....!
This weekend was the last chance we had to qualify Rowan for the AKC National Lure Coursing Championships to be held here in September. She only needs one more point, but unfortunately she won't qualify -- but not because she tried and didn't make it. With the soaring temperature and the course conditions, we scratched her from the event - it was just too dang hot and better to not risk an injury than otherwise. I suspect we'll have our hands full at the NLCC working anyhow and wouldn't have time to care properly for a hound we'd have entered.
Both Rowan and Catie are at the end their heat cycles, thus poor Toby has not been eating since he's got OTHER things on his mind, and he's lost weight. We considered not showing him this weekend since he doesn't look his best, but decided almost at the last minute that we'd do it just for practice. I'd pretend that we were in handling class, and not expecting to win anything - just have fun and practice, since our Specialty is this coming weekend.
Lo and behold, the lad took Best of Breed on Saturday for 2 points, and Best of Winners on Sunday for 1 point! So, in the absolute hottest part of the hottest day, Toby and I got to go run around the Group ring, which almost killed me from heatstroke, but was fun nevertheless. He's such a good boy! Win photo coming soon.
The highlight of our weekend was hosting the judge for our lure coursing tests and trial -- Gary Runyan of Runyan Borzoi. It was a pleasure to have such an interesting person here for four days and we're very happy to have made a new friend. Thanks Gary for putting up with our humble abode and our dogs - they loved having your company too. Kisses from Catie.
Posted by
Lisa T and Karen S
3:22 PM
Labels: Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Borzoi, Conformation Show, Lure Coursing
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Calgary Shows
Rich returns tonight or tomorrow from Calgary - and although I don't have ALL the details, I do have some photos to post plus show results for our girls, and it sounds like it was a really great weekend for all the Tovaritch gang. I'm proud of Rich and both Catie (Tovaritch Catherine the Great, SC) and Rowan (Tovaritch's Beresina, SC) for how well they all did!
Now, the results and photos (Rowan is the one without the white on the end of her muzzle, and the larger of the two red bitches):
Rowan and her sister, Tovaritch's Barishnya, were Best Brace in each of the four shows they were entered in:
8/1 - Alberta Sporting Hound Association Specialty Show
Judge: Mr. Dana Cline
Best Brace in Breed and in Specialty
8/2 - Alberta Kennel Club - All Breed Show
Judge: Mary Keast
Best Brace in Breed and in Group
8/2 - Borzoi Club of Canada National Specialty
Judge: Sr. Ramon Podesta
Best Brace in Specialty
8/3 - Alberta Kennel Club All Breed Show
Judge: Roger Hartinger
Best Brace in Breed and in Group
Catie was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for 4 points:
8/2 - Alberta Kennel Club - All Breed Show
Judge: Mary Keast
Winners Bitch, Best of Winners (11 class entries)
And, Catherine also pulled Reserve Winners Bitch at four of the five other shows, including the Canada National Specialty:
8/2 - Borzoi Club of Canada National Specialty
Judge: Sr. Ramon Podesta
Reserve Winners Bitch (11 class bitches)
8/3 - Alberta Kennel Club All Breed Show
Judge: Roger Hartinger
Reserve Winners Bitch (10 class bitches)
8/3 - Foothills Gazehound Club Specialty Championship Show
Judge: Sue Badick
Reserve Winners Bitch (11 class bitches)
8/4 - Alberta Kennel Club All Breed Show
Judge: Patricia Hartinger
Reserve Winners Bitch (9 class bitches)
Rowan also did well and was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Opposite for 5 points:
8/3 - Alberta Kennel Club All Breed Show
Judge: Roger Hartinger
Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite(10 class bitches, 1 class male, 3 Special males, 3 Special Bitches)
Thanks to Greg and Lexy and the Tovaritch gang for their warm Canadian hospitality and help with handling, grooming and all things over the last week! Here's a photo of the whole Tovaritch gang this past weekend:
Posted by
Lisa T and Karen S
6:00 PM
Labels: Best of Winners, Borzoi, Canada, Conformation Show, Reserve Winners Bitch
Monday, August 4, 2008
Breakfast is Served.....
Today I cooked up a little stew of beef, potatoes, carrots and zucchini for the dogs, and mixed it with some kibble for their breakfast. Spoiled dogs here, yes I know, but let's not go there! I live to serve.
I served up everyone's bowls and distributed food in their usual eating places. Beagles in the kitchen, Honcho in the spare bathroom, Toby in his crate, and Jewel in her bedroom (Rowan and Catie are in Canada today). Sidenote: Isolating everyone when they eat keeps the food stealing and resulting dog arguments to a minimum.
About 30 seconds after putting Jewel's food down and closing her in her room to eat, she starts barking……the same bark she uses when she has the cat cornered, or small animal (mouse, etc) trapped. RrrrrrrrRUFF!......rrrrrrrrrRUFF! What in the world? So I open her door to see what's up, and she is standing over her food bowl, ears at full prick and really pissed off; barking at her food bowl. A mouthful of half chewed potato is spit out on the floor. RrrrrrrrRUFF! Rrrrrrruff! Over, and over, again.
Apparently, I served breakfast a tad too warm for the Princess's liking.
She's been barking at it for a full five minutes now, mad that it won't let her eat it and that it "bit" her back. She stops every 30 seconds to taste it, then starts barking again if it's not just exactly the right temperature. Okay, now finally she's stopped barking, it must be at the perfect temp.
Sometimes, not soooooo smart. (Jewel, not me, but I'm sure she would beg to differ).
Posted by
Lisa T and Karen S
10:19 AM
Labels: Silken Windhound