Friday, November 30, 2007

Camouflage Borzoi

This morning, I temporarily lost Rowan. I remember letting her outside, which rarely lasts long because she much prefers a soft warm bed to the great outdoors. Call as I would, there was no sight or sound of the big red borzoi.

After several minutes, and my worry growing exponentially that she had escaped the 6' fence (hey, you never know! She's a big girl!), I spotted her just inside the brush of the woods that border our yard. When I ventured down there to see what she was up to, I found her intently focused on a small pile of leaves trying to stir something up. Most likely a mouse or other small critter about to meet it's untimely demise.

I was struck by how well a large red borzoi could be almost invisible, and grabbed my camera. Check it out, it's true!:

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