Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Primo Bed

Today is day 7 of 10 days of house-sitting for Paul & Karen of Allagante Silkens on their 22 acres in Damascus, Oregon. Things are going well with 20 dogs (2 are mine), 2 horses, 2 llamas, a couple of cats and koi to care for. This is the view from the front of the house and out the windows. Beautiful, isn't it?

Earlier this week, I decided to strip the covers off of all the dog beds, wash and dry all to help out while I'm here. After re-stuffing one bed into a clean cover, I tossed it on top of a small table that Paul & Karen keep behind their couch until I could decide where to put it. I turned around a few seconds later to see that it was the primo bed for Jewel, my princess Silken:

Later in the day I noticed that my Silken Honcho, not to be outdone, also thought this was a primo bed. If it's good enough for Jewel then it's good enough for me:

Then, last night before bed, Sophie (Jewel's littermate who resides as Allagante) thought that if it was good enough for her sister and another dog, it's good enough for me, too:

The table bed is in high demand now. Whenever one dog gets down another takes his/her place.....Paul, Karen, guess it's here to stay.

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